Dear Friends,
As 2021 dawns with a bright outlook, we are glad to report that we have raised approximately $32,000, bringing our fundraising to a satisfactory conclusion. Please accept our sincere thanks for your generous contribution. This project would not have been possible without your support!
Please see the attached spreadsheet for the donations we have received. For privacy, the donors' names have been removed. Please note that the balance there is our best estimate. Cornell's accounting may be slightly different, due to currency exchange rate and the transaction charges on donations made via credit cards. We will follow this report with an update when we obtain the accurate balance from Cornell.
In the new year, we will work with Cornell to finish the design and installation of the Hu Shih Memorial Bench on the shore of Beebe Lake. We are confident that in the next year-end report we will announce the completion of the project. For years to come, visitors to Beebe Lake will have the opportunity to learn about the work of Hu Shih, a gentle yet persistent advocate of humane inquiry.
Thank you all again. Have a safe and healthy 2021!
Hu Shih Memorial Foundation Volunteers
